E-procurement portal of Raghuganga Hydropower Limited is designed to facilitate potential bidders to submit their bids through this e-submission portal. This e-submission is used to increase transparency, non-discrimination, equality of access, and open competition. This portal provides easy access to tender information, information on the award of contracts and an facility to submit bids through e-submission to all interested bidders as specified in the instructions to bidders.
A bidder who wishes to submit the bid electronically may purchase the bid document directly from the Raghuganga Hydropower Limited Office or any designated office for the particular bid, or may download the bid document from the website and deposit the equivalent amount in the revenue account of the employer as specified in the notice or/and bid document.
Registration: For the purpose of e-submission of the bid, an interested bidder has to register with login information. Bidders registration shall be complete only after the Bidder confirms his registration in an automatically generated e-mail from Raghuganga EPROC portal to the Bidder.
E-submission: It shall be applicable to only those bids in which the bidders are allowed to submit their bids electronically. E-submission and opening shall be as specified in the bid documents. The system will not allow the bidders to bid the tender after the bid submission deadline.
Tenders: All the tenders with the facility of e-submission will be listed on this page according to their closing date.
Awarded Contracts: This page enlists all the awarded contracts with contractor's name, date of award and the total contract amount.